THIS IS A HISTORICAL FILE DATED ABOUT MARCH 1993 ================================================ FRIENDLY EDITOR pico (instead vi editor) NETSIVI BEN-AMOTS You may ask Netsivi to make your e-mail work with the new friendly editor pico, instead awful vi editor. Your work with pico is natural. OPERATION outside mail: pico namefile (small letters, please) Mail automatically invokes pico editor (instead vi), once Netsivi makes the necessary changes. LEAVING EDITOR: CTRL-X (IT ASKS TO SAVE OR NOT) Save without leaving editor: CTRL-O Bring file: CTRL-R and then /u/yourloginname/path/yourfilename Remember to give the full path to your file. VERY EASY TO FORGET! DON'T FORGET! Check spelling: CTRL-T Delete line: CTRL-K Undelete last deleted line at cursor position: CTRL-U Next page: CTRL-V Previous page: CTRL-Y Look in two lines at screen bottom for help. More detailed help: CTRL-G After leaving pico with CTRL-X, follow the above instructions for mail.