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Chia-Shun Yih (1917-1997)
● TITLE: Tornado-like flows
● AUTHOR: Yih, Chia-Shun (USA)
● SOURCE: Physics of Fluids, v. 19, 076601 (2007).
● ABSTRACT: Simple exact solutions for horizontal flows, with a stagnant funnel consisting of a lighter fluid and narrowing toward the ground, exhibit the main features of real tornadoes. The two-fluid model is quite robust, as it can be adapted to any vorticity distribution, any vertical stratification, and the effects of compressibility.
● 9 references and 4 comments.
● FIRST COMMENT: The original version of this paper was first reviewed before the author passed away (1997). A revised version, which was reviewed again and subsequently accepted for publication, was submitted posthumously by the author's daughter W. Katherine Yih (USA).
COMMENT TO FIRST COMMENT: Thanks in the name of science to Katherine Yih.
Also, thanks to the distinguished journal for not burying this last manuscript of Professor Yih, and accepting for publication this extraordinary tornado theory only ten years after receiving it, in spite of the difficulties.
● RELEVANT CITATION from H.B. Bluestein (1999):
We cannot really hope to attempt to modify tornadoes until we learn precisely why they form. Attempt to modify them in the absence of a hypothesis that can be rigorously tested is like shooting in the dark.
Bluestein, H.B., "Tornado Alley - monster storms of the great planes," Oxford Univ. Press, New York (1999) pp. 159-160.

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