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CITATIONS and other details

85 citations (not including self citations) of 12 papers:

Ben-Amots, N., Michael Anbar (1927-2014)
"Sonochemistry on primordial Earth - its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution,"
Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, v. 14, No. 5, pp. 672-675 (2007) 
Link to FREE fulltext:

13 citations + 3 responses:

  Cited by
Mawson, Raymond, & Knoerzer, Kai, "A brief history of the application of ultrasonics in food processing,"
19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid (September 2-7, 2007) link to fulltext

  Cited by
Pedro, Cintas, "On Cavitation and Chirality: A Further Assessment,"
Cryst. Growth Des., v. 8, No. 8, pp. 2626 2627 (July 4, 2008). See p. 2627

  Cited by
He, Yuanhua, "Sonochemistry and advanced oxidation processes: Synthesis of nanoparticles and degradation of organic pollutants,"
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia (4.2009)

  Cited by
Dharmarathne, Lennu, & Grieser, Franz,
"Formation of amino acids on the sonolysis of aqueous solutions containing acetic acid, methane, or carbon dioxide, in the presence of nitrogen gas,"
J. Phys. Chem. A, v. 120, pp. 191-199 (2016)
Citing one sentence:
"The most significant outcome of the present study is that it underpins the hypothesis put forward by Ben-Amots and Anbar (2007) that cavitation chemistry could have been responsible for creating the first complex organic molecules on Earth and hence have been involved in the abiogenesis of life."

  Cited by
Kalson, Natan-Haim, Furman, David, Zeiri, Yehuda
"Cavitation-Induced Synthesis of Biogenic Molecules on Primordial Earth"
ACS Central Sci. (September 11, 2017)
Citing a few sentences:
"Synthesis of biologically important species in primordial earth by cavitation is examined using computer simulations. We find it plausible that this mechanism could contribute to the origin of life. ...
The suggestion that cavitation had a significant role in the development of life on earth was raised over 60 years ago. (14, 15)...
[Our] values are 4-5 orders of magnitude larger than the value used by Ben-Amots and Anbar. (14)...
(14) Ben-Amots, N.; Anbar, M. Sonochemistry on primordial Earth its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution. Ultrason. Sonochem. 2007, 14 (5), 672-675.
(15) Anbar, M. Cavitation during Impact of Liquid Water on Water: Geochemical Implications. Science 1968, 161 (3848), 1343-1344."

  Cited by
Patehebieke, Y., Zhao, Z.R., Wang, S., Xu, H.X., Chen, Q.Q., Wang, X.,
Cavitation as a plausible driving force for the prebiotic formation of N9 purine nucleosides.
Cell Reports Physical Science, v. 2(3), 100375 (March 24, 2021)
Citing one sentence:
"These results suggest that cavitation could be a plausible driving force that contributed to the prebiotic synthesis of canonical nucleosides."

  Cited by
R. Fernando Martinez, Giancarlo Cravotto, and Pedro Cintas,
Organic Sonochemistry: A Chemist s Timely Perspective on Mechanisms and Reactivity,
The Journal of Organic Chemistry (June 22, 2021)

  Cited by
Hao, Guo, Xiaoxiao, Yua, Mang, Lin,
Kinetic isotope effects in H2O2 self-decomposition: Implications for triple oxygen isotope systematics of secondary minerals in the solar system,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (September 15, 2022)

  Cited by
Youbin Zhou, Dapeng Cao and Xianren Zhang
Degradation Mechanism of Micro-Nanobubble Technology for Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Solutions
Nanomaterials (MDPI) (July 2022)

  Cited by
Weiliang Qi, Jiahao Liu, Xuyun Guo, Haichuan Guo, Tiju Thomas, Ye Zhu, Siqi Liu, and Minghui Yang
Vacancy-Defective Cobalt Nitride Nanostructures for Sonocatalytic Hydrogen Production Using Various Water Resources
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 4, 2636 2645 (February 8, 2023)

  Cited by
Rystedt, Karin,
Respiratory tract infections in primary care
School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  Cited by
Fang, Yuxi; Ding, Wei; Ying, Diwen; Zhang, Wendi; Jia, Jinping
Prebiotic Asymmetric Synthesis of Ribose by CO2 Reduction in Hydrodynamic Cavitation with Vortex
Research Square
March 2024
The author name is erroneously cited as Amots instead the correct family name Ben-Amots

  Cited by
Wei, Wei; Fengjian, Chu; Guanru, Chen; Shiwen, Zhou; Cuirong, Sun; Hongru, Feng;
Prebiotic Formation of Peptides Through Bubbling and Arc Plasma
Chemistry - A European Journal

  Prof. Franz Grieser (Professor in university, Australia): I am pleased that you saw our article, as the study was inspired by your and Anbar s publication in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. I was aware of Anbar s Science work but the paper with you, really addressed the idea in an interesting conceptual form. I was very pleased that we could confirm the hypothesis. 5th July 2016
  Prof. Ariel Anbar (Professor in university, U.S.A.): No doubt, my father would have been pleased. July 2016
  Laszlo Attila Horvath (Geologist engineer, Hungary) Your paper sounds interesting. March 2017


Ben-Amots, N.
"Relativistic exponential gravitation and exponential potential of electric charge,"
Found. Phys., v. 37, No. 4-5 , pp. 773-787 ( May 2007) 
Link to fulltext:
Lectured in IARD2006 Conference.

17 citations:

  Cited by
Vladimir Majernik (1934-2017)
"An alternative to classical naked singularity and black hole,"
Phys. Essays, v. 22, pp. 413-419 (2009)

  Cited by
Tsang, Ling Man,
"Some static spherical classical solutions including the cosmological term,"
Canadian J. Pure Appl. Sci., v. 4, No. 1, pp. 1073-1079 (2010)
See p. 1078
The author name is erroneously cited as Amots instead the correct family name Ben-Amots

  Cited by
Walker, Colin,
"Calculation of gravitational potential by the method of multiple redshifts,"

  Cited by
Walker, Colin,
"Newtonian potential and the Einstein equivalence principle,"
Foundational Questions Context (2012),

  Cited by
Teruel, Gines R. Perez,
"On the movement of a particle in a gravitational field in the context of the special theory of relativity," (2015)

  Cited by
Teruel, Gines R. Perez,
"On the variation of the mass in a gravitational field and Mach s Principle,"
viXra (2014)

  Cited by
Teruel, Gines R. Perez,
"Non-linear energy conservation theorem in the framework of Special Relativity"
European Journal of Physics, (2015)
arXiv (2015)

  Cited by
Vladimir Majernik (1934-2017)
"The Lenz-Sommerfeld approach to general relativity with variable masses" (2015)

  Cited by
Boonserm, P., Ngampitipan, T., Simpson, A., Visser, M.,
"The exponential metric represents a traversable wormhole"
(May 2018)
arXiv:1805.03781v3 [gr-qc] (May 2018)
"Exponential metric represents a traversable wormhole"
Phys. Rev. D, (October 2018)

  Cited by
Simpson, Alex
"Traversable Wormholes, Regular Black Holes, and Black-Bounces"
M.Sc. thesis
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
School of Mathematics and Statistics (4.2021)

  Cited by
Turimov, B., Turaev, Y., Ahmedov, B., Stuchlik, Z.,
"Circular motion of test particle around wormhole represented by exponential metric,"
Phys. Dark Universe 100946, (4 January 2022)

  Cited by
Partha Pratim Nath and Debojit Sarma
"Generalized form of exponential wormhole metric,"
arXiv:2301.09334v1 (23 January 2023)

  Cited by
Tuhina Manna, & Farook Rahaman, & Tanmoy Chowdhury
Strong Lensing in the Exponential wormhole spacetimes
SSRN Electronic Journal (February 2023)
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4349260

  Cited by
Tuhina Manna, & Farook Rahaman, & Tanmoy Chowdhury
Strong Lensing in the Exponential wormhole spacetimes
New Astronomy (March 2023)
DOI: 10.1016/j.newast.2023.102040

  Cited by
Partha Pratim Nath and Debojit Sarma
Study of exponential wormhole metric in $f(R)$ gravity
Physica Scripta, V. 99, No. 4 (March 2024)
arXiv:2307.04237 (July 2023)

  Cited by
S.H. Mazharimousavi
Vacuum traversable wormhole
arXiv:2309.02874 (September 2023)

  Cited by
Mazharimousavi, S.H.
Axially symmetric exponential metric
Physics of the Dark Universe
v. 43, 101412 (February 2024)

  Cited by
Changjun Gao; Jianhui Qiu
From the Janis-Newman-Winicour naked singularities to Einstein-Maxwell phantom wormholes
10(8):328 (August 2024)
Preprint, Researchgate (July 2024)

  Cited by
Partha Pratim Nath and Debojit Sarma
A new class of traversable wormhole metrics
The European Physical Journal C
84(10) (October 2024)
DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13401-5

Not including self citations


Ben-Amots, N.
"A new line element derived from variable rest mass in gravitational field,"
arXiv: physics-gen-ph/0808.2609 (2008).
Endorser: Professor Vladimir Majernik (1934-2017)


12 citations + 1 response:

  Cited by
Vladimir Majernik (1934-2017)
"An alternative to classical naked singularity and black hole,"
Phys. Essays, v. 22, pp. 413-419 (2009)

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Variable mass cosmology simulating cosmic acceleration,"
viXra (2012)

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Watching the clock: Quantum rotation and relative time,"
Foundational Questions, Paper 1601 (April 2013)
viXra (2013)

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Understanding Gravity on the Microscopic Level,"
viXra (2014)

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Fundamental waves and the identification of physics,"
viXra (2017)

  Cited by
Lamb, P.R.
"A fully relative theory of gravitation," (February 2014),

  Cited by
Vankov, Kirill
"Physics tomorrow: new cosmology and gravitation in modern physics," (November 2016),
HAL Archive Ouvertes (18th November 2016)

  Cited by
Vankov, Kirill
"The alternative to the Big Bang in modern physics," (December 2016),
The General Science Journal, (8th December 2016)

  Cited by
Vankov, Kirill
"Physics tomorrow: The proposal of new cosmology, the grand universe model" (July 2017),
HAL Archive Ouvertes (21st July 2017)

  Cited by
Vankov, Kirill
"Particle Orbits in General Relativity: from Planetary Solar System to Black Hole Environment" (November 2018),
HAL Archive Ouvertes (18th November 2018)

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Fundamental waves and the reunification of physics,"
viXra (2017)

  Cited by
Vankov, Anatoli, and Vankov, Kiril
The General Science Journal (21.6.2020), 77 pages

  I followed with interest a good part of your article "A new line element derived from the variable rest mass in gravitational field" published in ArXiv (Physics-gen-phi, August 2008). I liked the fact that you have a very broad set of references as well as a very interesting new and original approach to the theory of orbits.
Best regards,
(Professor of physics in university, Venezuela)

Not including self citations


Ben-Amots, N.
"Detection of rotation by a local elevator-like gedanken experiment,"
Found. Phys., v. 35, pp. 1533-1542 ( September 2005).
Link to fulltext:
Lectured in IARD2004 Conference.

5 citations:

  Cited by
Zhao, Shuo and Peng, He
"Design of Elevator Group Control System Simulation platform based on LonWorks,"
Journal: Measurement and Control Technology (in Chinese), v. 29(7), (2010)

  Cited by
Yang, Jin-Song
"Application of adaptive fuzzy-control technology in the production lines for cutting APCP,"
Journal: Measurement and Control Technology (in Chinese), v. 29(7), pp. 49-53 (2010)
Journal: Journal of Mechanical Science in Technology, pp. 1224-1231 (2006)

  Cited by
Zhao, Shuo and Liu, Dian Fu
"Design of LonWorks Elevator Group Control System network variables,"
Journal: Journal of Qiqihar University {in Chinese), v. 29, No. 5 (Sep. 2013)

  Cited by
Oziewicz, Zbigniew (1941-2020)
"Rival theories of relativity: Groupoid relativity versus Lorenz-group relativity, Non-reciprocal velocity versus reciprocal velocity (129 pp.)

  Cited by
Oziewicz, Zbigniew (1941-2020)
"Rival theories of relativity: Relativity of velocity: reciprocal versus non-reciprocal (116 pp.)


Ben-Amots, N.
"Relativistic radial expansion: Do we need dark energy?"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., v. 330, 012018 (December 2011)
Link to FREE fulltext:
Lectured in IARD2012 Conference, Firenze 2012.
Lectured in Marcel Grossmann Conference MG13, Stockholm 2012

2 citations:

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Variable mass cosmology simulating cosmic acceleration,"
viXra (2012)

  Cited by
Shimojo, Mastaka
"Problems in size expansion analysis based on hypothetical relationships between scale factor, exponential function and Bondi K-Factor,"
J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ., v. 60(2), pp. 390-403 (2015)


Ben-Amots, N.
"Features and implications of exponential gravitation,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., v. 330, 012017 (December 2011)
Link to FREE fulltext:
Lectured in IARD2008 Conference.

13 citations:

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Variable mass cosmology simulating cosmic acceleration,"
viXra (2012)

  Cited by
Kadin, A.M.
"Non-Metric Microscopic Formulation of Relativity*,"
viXra (2016)

  Cited by
Boonserm, P., Ngampitipan, T., Simpson, A., Visser, M.,
"The exponential metric represents a traversable wormhole"
(May 2018)
arXiv:1805.03781v3 [gr-qc] (May 2018)
"Exponential metric represents a traversable wormhole"
Phys. Rev. D, (October 2018)

  Cited by
Simpson, Alex
"Traversable Wormholes, Regular Black Holes, and Black-Bounces"
M.Sc. thesis
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
School of Mathematics and Statistics (4.2021)

  Cited by
Zeng, Wei, & Ling, Yi, & Jiang, Qing-Quan
"Astrophysical observables for regular black holes with sub-Planckian curvature"
arXiv [gr-qc], (21.7.2022)

  Cited by
Partha Pratim Nath and Debojit Sarma
"Generalized form of exponential wormhole metric,"
arXiv:2301.09334v1 (23 January 2023)

  Cited by
Tuhina Manna, & Farook Rahaman, & Tanmoy Chowdhury
Strong Lensing in the Exponential wormhole spacetimes
SSRN Electronic Journal (February 2023)
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4349260

  Cited by
Tuhina Manna, & Farook Rahaman, & Tanmoy Chowdhury
Strong Lensing in the Exponential wormhole spacetimes
New Astronomy (March 2023)
DOI: 10.1016/j.newast.2023.102040

  Cited by
Partha Pratim Nath and Debojit Sarma
Study of exponential wormhole metric in $f(R)$ gravity
Physica Scripta, V. 99, No. 4 (March 2024)
arXiv:2307.04237 (July 2023)

  Cited by
S.H. Mazharimousavi
Vacuum traversable wormhole
arXiv:2309.02874 (September 2023)

  Cited by
Mazharimousavi, S.H.
Axially symmetric exponential metric
Physics of the Dark Universe
v. 43, 101412 (February 2024)

  Cited by
Changjun Gao; Jianhui Qiu
From the Janis-Newman-Winicour naked singularities to Einstein-Maxwell phantom wormholes
10(8):328 (August 2024)
Preprint, Researchgate (July 2024)

  Cited by
Partha Pratim Nath and Debojit Sarma
A new class of traversable wormhole metrics
The European Physical Journal C
84(10) (October 2024)
0OI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13401-5

Not including self citations


Ben-Amots, N.
"Energy accumulation in relativistic sub-Bohr orbitals, Franklin s relativistic rotation of quarks and gravitational field bounceback as processes relevant to explosion of supernovae,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., v. 615, 012012 (May 2015)
Link to FREE fulltext:
Lectured in IARD2014 Conference.

1 citations:

  Cited by
Vladimir Majernik (1934-2017)
"The Lenz-Sommerfeld approach to general relativity with variable masses" (2015)

Not including self citations


Ben-Amots, N., Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere, Found. Phys., v. 33, pp. 1369-1372 (2003)
Link to fulltext:
Lectured in IARD2002 Conference.

2 citations:

  Cited by
Oziewicz, Zbigniew (1941-2020)
"Rival theories of relativity: Groupoid relativity versus Lorenz-group relativity, Non-reciprocal velocity versus reciprocal velocity" (129 pp.)

  Cited by
Oziewicz, Zbigniew (1941-2020)
"Rival theories of relativity: Relativity of velocity: reciprocal versus non-reciprocal (116 pp.)

Not including self citations


DSc. thesis,
Ben-Amots, N.
"The motion of a high-speed rotor under the influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and nutation,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1975). Abstract

2 citations:

  Cited by
Cohen, R.,
"Effect of the coupling between flexural and torsional vibrations on rotors driven by a flexible shaft,"
DSc. thesis, Technion, Haifa, Israel (1982). In Hebrew. See p. 12, 203 Abstract

  Cited by
Cohen, R., Porat, I.
"Influence of load torque on stability of rotor driven by flexible shaft,"
J. Sound Vib., v. 95, pp. 151-160 (1984). See p. 151, 159



Ben-Amots, N., Dynamics and thermodynamics of tornado: Rotation effects,
Atmospheric Research, v. 178-179, pp. 320-328 (1st September 2016)
Link to fulltext:

13 citations + 2 responses
  Cited by

Pandey, S.M., Maurya, J.P.
"Exploration of characteristics governing dynamics of whirlwinds: application to dust devils,"
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A
Journal of Physical Sciences A

  Cited by

Cao, Z.X, Wang, M., Wang, Y., "Numerical study on pollutant removal on a new type of vortex exhaust system,"
Building Environment & Energy, pp. 114-117
(5.2017) (In Chinese)

  Cited by

Mylonas, M.P., Nastos, P.T., Matsangouras, I.T.,
"PBL parameterization schemes sensitivity analysis on WRF modeling of a tornadic event environment in Skala Lakonia in September 2015,"
Atmospheric Research

  Cited by

Elsaesser, D., Fedorowicz, K., Utyuzhnikov, S.,
"Towards the development of ..."
AIP Advances, v. 8, 125016, p. 2,

  Cited by

Tao, T., Wang, H., Yao, C., Zou, Z., Xu, Z.,
"Performance of structures and infrastructures facilities during an EF4 tornado in Yancheng,"
Wind and Structure
v. 27, No. 2, pp. 137-147 September
See page 139

  Cited by

Ji Qiang,
"A proposal to fight tornadoes with multiple connected balloons,"
(Feb. 2020)

  Cited by

Dai, Yuche,
A Study on swirling plume enhanced natural draft dry cooling towers,
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Queensland, Australia

  Cited by

Jebari, J.D.,
Moral structures: Scientific reflections on rationalist themes,
Ph.D. thesis, Georgetown Univ., Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

  Cited by
Yumeng Zhang, Yanlei Wang, Pengfei Lv, Bo Wang,
Experimental investigation on the influence of swirl ratio on tornado-like flow fields by varying updraft radius and inflow angle,
Research Square,
August 18th, (2022)

  Cited by
Pengfei Lv, Yumeng Zhang, Yanlei Wang, Bo Wang,
Experimental investigation on the influence of swirl ratio on tornado-like flow fields by varying updraft radius and inflow angle,
Atmosphere, v. 14, No. 9
September (2023)

  Cited by
Yanbin Yu, Lianxin Fang, Wenting Cui, Weimin Cheng, Yongtao Chen,
Characteristics of columnar vortex airflow and dust escape prevention based on artificial tornado
Powder Technology, V. 436, 119502
1 March (2024)

  Cited by
S. N. Artekha
An analytical model of tornado generation
Physics of Fluids 36(8)
(August 2024)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0213431

  Cited by
Sanjay Kumar Pandey, Shruti
An analytical model of two-cell tornadoes with emphasis on sharpness parameter affecting updrafts and a discussion on debris trajectory in outer cell
Department of Mathematical Sciences, IITBHU, Varanasi
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
(August 2024)
DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2024.105862

  Cited by
Sergey Alexander Arsen'yev, Lev V. Eppelbaum
Catastrophic and Violent Tornadoes: A Review of Physical-Mathematical Models of Formation and Propagation
Lev V. Eppelbaum Lab.
(November 2024)

  "The author contributed a potentially better understanding of the rotation effects on the dynamics and thermodynamics of a tornado." Anonymous reviewer
  "I found it very interesting and enlightening." K.P. (Researcher of waterspouts, Greece)
  "The effects of rotational dynamics and thermodynamics of tornado are considered in detail in Ref. 3 [Ben-Amots]." In citation in AIP advances, 2018.



Bousso, Dino, Ben-Amots, Netsivi
"A simple means for attaining high centrifugal accelerations,"
J. Phys. E: Scientific Instruments,
v. 5, pp. 291-295 (1972)
Link to fulltext:

  Cited by

Szirmay, S.G., Potter, E.C.
"An instrument for measuring the tensile properties of powder at elevated temperature and in the presence of electric fields,"
J. Phys. E: Scientific Instruments,
v. 9, No. 11, pp. 985-989
(1 November 1976)



Ben-Amots, Netsivi
"Helium as a major portion of the dark matter and the cell structure of the universe,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Series,
v. 1956, 012006 (2021)
Link to fulltext:

 2 citations
Cited by:
Ben-Aryeh, Y.
"Rotation curves velocities obtained by warm low density plasma simulating dark haloes and dark matter,"
Preprint, Researchgate
(July 2021) Link

Cited by:
Danilo dos Santos Cardoso
Desenvolvimento e validação de um firmware inicial, baseado na tecnologia SoC-FPGA, para aquisição de sinais dos sensores fotomultiplicadores no experimento CYGNO
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - CBPF, Brazil

  "I looked at your paper and could not stop until I had read it all! It is very clear, compelling, and believable (congratulations)." T.G., Professor in university, Washington DC, USA


Ben-Amots, Netsivi
"Relativity, gravitation and relativistic rotation: clarifying some paradoxes of relativity at the extreme,"
Technology Dynamics Inc., Bergenfield, New Jersey, U.S.A. (2017)
Order book:

  Thanks for your delightful and uniquely probing book. I've enjoyed it. Good luck in your explorative research. Best wishes, M.D. (President of technological company, California, U.S.A.)
  It is certainly a first class piece of work and you show your unique insights. T.G. (Professor of physics in university, Washington D.C., U.S.A.)
  Remarkable. I hope that the scientific community knows how to appreciate it. Well done. Y.G. (Retired pilot)
  Your book seems to me very interesting, especially your handling of rotation. A.G. (Professor of physics in university)
  This is obviously a life work, a longstanding endeavor of a devoted researcher. Congratulations! I read a few parts of the book with pleasure. I will surely enjoy reading and some rethinking in months to come. Wishing you the best both personally and professionally. D.T. (Researcher, Belgrade, Serbia)
  I ran into your book in the library, and some of the things you say in it, I agree with whole-heartedly. Especially the lack of equivalence between gravitation and rotation. B.L. (Professor in university, Italy)



Papers not cited:

Ben-Amots, N., Approximate analytical solution for high-speed spin axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked to precession and nutation, Acta Mechanica, v. 25, pp. 111-119 (1976)
Link to fulltext:

Ben-Amots, N., How quasars with thick accretion disk eject relativistic jets, Journal JPCS, 2019, v. 1239, 012012.
Link to fulltext:
Anonymous reviewer: "A tour de force, putting together a lot of interesting ideas, giving a reasonable picture."


Ben-Amots, N.,
"Approximate analytical solution for high-speed spin-axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked to precession and nutation"
Acta Mechanica, vol. 25, no. 1-2, p. 111-119 (1976).
Link to fulltext:

  Reviewed by:
Greenwood, D.T., Applied Mechanical Reviews, v. 30, p. 736, No. 4630 (1977) Review

  Reviewed by: The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System

  Reviewed by: Scopus


DSc. thesis,
Ben-Amots, N.,
"The motion of a high-speed rotor under the influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and nutation,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1975) Abstract
  Reviewed by
Cohen, R., Porat, I.,
"Influence of load torque on stability of rotor driven by flexible shaft,"
J. Sound Vib., v. 95, pp. 151-160 (1984). See pp. 151, 159


Thanked 5 times by
  Recami, Erasmo,
"Superluminal Motions? A Bird's-Eye View of the Experimental Situation ,"
Found. Phys., v. 31, No. 7, pp. 1119-1135 (July, 2001). See p. 1132
See p. 9

  Harpaz, Amos (1928-2018),
"The nature of fields,"
Eur. J. Phys., v. 23, pp. 263-268 (2002). See p. 267

  Privitera, Giuseppe,
Salesi, Giovani,
Olkhovsky, Vladislav S.,
Recami, Erasmo,
"Tunneling times: an elementary introduction,"
Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, v. 26, No 4.
arXiv:quant-ph/0412146v1 (19 December 2004). See p. 40

  Gill, Tepper L.,
de Parga, Gonzalo Ares de,
Morris, Trey,
Wack, Mamadon,
"Dual Relativistic Quantum Mechanics I,"
Foundation of Physics, v. 52, Article number 90 (2022)
arXiv:physics.gen-ph/2108.05199v1 (4 August 2021). See p. 7

  Gill, Tepper L.,
de Parga, Gonzalo Ares de,
"Foundations for QED, Feynman operator calculus, Dyson conjectures, and Einstein's dual theory"
(2023) J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2482 012015
See p. 29


  Michael Anbar (1927-2014), in
"Sonochemistry on primordial Earth - its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution,"
Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, v. 14, No. 5, pp. 672-675 (2007) 
Link to FREE fulltext:

  Dino Bousso (1933-1971) in
"A simple means for attaining high centrifugal accelerations,"
J. Phys. E: Scientific Instruments, v. 5, pp. 291-295 (1972)
Link to fulltext:


Supervisors of theses
  Itzhak Porat (1934-2012) in DSc thesis (1975)
"The motion of a high-speed rotor under the influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and nutation,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1975) Abstract

  Dino Bousso (1933-1971) in MSc thesis (1969)
"The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1969) Abstract
and first stage of DSc thesis (1975)
"The motion of a high-speed rotor under the influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and nutation,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1975) Abstract


Advisors in theses
  Itzhak Porat (1934-2012)
  Boaz Popper (1927-2012)
in MSc thesis (1969)
"The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1969) Abstract

  Boaz Popper (1927-2012)
  Menahem Shmuely (1935-1980)
in DSc thesis (1975)
"The motion of a high-speed rotor under the influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and nutation,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1975) Abstract


Dedicated to

Ben-Amots, N.
"Approximate analytical solution for high-speed spin-axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked to precession and nutation"
Acta Mechanica, vol. 25, no. 1-2, p. 111-119 (1976).
Link to fulltext:
The paper, dedicated to the memory of Professor Dino Bousso (1933-1971) who acted as supervisor in the first stage of the study.

DSc thesis,
Ben-Amots, N.
"The motion of a high-speed rotor under the influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and nutation,"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (1975) Abstract
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Dino Bousso (1933-1971)


Thanked 27 times to 13 persons and to IARD

  Dan Igner (1940-2019) (In 7 papers - 2015, 2011, 2011, 2008, 2007 (Relativistic exponential...), 2005, 2003)

  Larry Horwitz in 2 papers:
"Some features and implications of exponential gravitation,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., v. 330, 012017 (2011)  Abstract

and in
"Relativistic Radial Expansion: Do we need Dark Energy?,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., v. 330, 012018 (2011)  Abstract

  Colin Walker in
"Some features and implications of exponential gravitation,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., v. 330, 012017 (2011)  Abstract

  Vladimir Majernik (1934-2017) in
"A new line element derived from the variable rest mass in gravitational field,"
arXiv:0808.2609v1 (8.2008)  Fulltext

  Moshe Kapon (1941-2020) in
"Sonochemistry on primordial Earth - its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution,"
Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, v. 14, No. 5, pp. 672-675 (2007)  Abstract

  Ronald Zwickel in
"Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere,"
Found. Phys., v. 33, pp. 1369-1372 (2003)  Abstract

  Itzhak Porat (1934-2012) in 2 papers
"Approximate analytical solution for high-speed spin axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked to precession and nutation,"
Acta Mechanica, v. 25, pp. 111-119 (1976)  Abstract
and in:
"Dynamics and thermodynamics of tornado: Rotation effects,"
Atmospheric Research, v. 178-179, pp. 320-328 (1 September 2016)

  IARD - International Association for Relativistic Dynamics (in 6 papers - 2003, 2005, 2007 (Relativistic...), 2011, 2011, 2015).

6 persons
  Elhanan Aloni (1923-1996)
  Michaela Aloni (1922-2020)
  Eliezer Goldberg (1918-2015)
  Yuval Mantel
  Inesa Chernichovsky
  Giora Rosenhouse
"Is tinnitus caused by a hearing overamplification in the brain?"


Served as a chair of three sessions in two scientific conferences:

IARD2004: The 4th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields,
12-19 June 2004, Saas-Fee, Switzerland
Ben-Amots served as a chair of the plenary session in which he presented the lecture of the president of IARD John Fanchi, as well as Alexander Krasnitz lecture and other lectures in this session

IARD2008: The 6th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields,
22-26 June 2008, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Ben-Amots served as a chair of the third and fourth plenary sessions in the first day 22.6.2008
presenting the lectures of the lates Woodford Zachary (1935-2011) and Amos Harpaz (1928-2018), and long live Alex Gersten and Paul O'Hara


Partial list of twenty two of my distinguished teachers who are not among us any more
(partial list, and not including long-live teachers)

Menahem Oren (1902-1962) - Physics photo  photo 
Michael Kabiri (1906-1989) - Chemistry photo  photo 
Avraham Imri (1906-1971) - Mathematics photo 
Luisa Bonfiglioli (1903-1986) - Descriptive geometry
Meir Reichaw (1923-2000) - Mathematics photo 
Menahem Levy - Strength of materials photo  photo  photo 
Ze'ev Ernst (1906-1985) - Lifting machines photo   photo
Yehudah Na'ot (1910-1995) - Electric machines photo
Bo'az Popper (1927-2012) - Dynamics photo  photo  Dsc abstract
Yeshaya Yarnitsky (1928-2019) - Cutting machines photo  photo  photo 
Simon Braun (1933-2020) Measurement and signal processing of vibrations photo  photo
Dino Bousso (1933-1971) - Dynamics photo  full biography 
Itzhak Porat (1934-2012) - Dynamics of rotation Dsc abstract
Enrico Volterra (1905-1973) - Dynamics of vibrations Wikipedia Link Link Link Link
Nathan Rosen (1909-1995) - Relativity
Aleksander Kornecki (1920-1985) - Advanced strength of materials photo  link  link Biography page 1 
Biography page 2  The biography of Kornecki with permission by its author Isaac Elishakoff Elisha 
Arrigo Finzi (1917-2012) - Astrophysics photo 
Avraham Betser (1919-2003) - Photoelasticity
Ariel Taub (1915-1989) - Metals photo photo
Isaac Minkoff (1922-1999) - Metals photo photo photo
Hanan Ilberg (1904-1990) - Turbines photo
Franz Ollendorff (1900-1981) - Science


26 Conferences

13 lectures given by Netsivi Ben-Amots in 10 conferences link

Participation of Netsivi Ben-Amots in other conferences without lecturing - partial list.


Scientific belonging

 Netsivi Ben-Amots is a member of the standing committee of
IARD: International Association for Relativistic Dynamics from the year 2000.

Technion Alumni

Researchgate profile

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 The source of life on Earth Breaking sea waves
 Supernova: Exploding star Bounceback of implosion solved
 Astronomical jets
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 Additional three papers on relativity:          
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